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Mink-mink harpy

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Mink-mink harpy
A NeonWabbit-owned semi-closed race
First appearance2018; 7 years ago (2018)*
Created bySilveroGhost
Adapted byNeonWabbit
In-universe information
Other name(s)minks, harpies
Home worldMinkhar Island, Isles of Topaktan, Alternate Earth F
TypeHumanoid feline harpy
Sub-racesMink-mink dragons (hybrids)
Distinctionsantennae on ears, four wing arms, spikes on tails, avian / feline / primate (especially lemurs) fur patterns
Notable membersFrie

Mink-mink harpies are a semi-closed species owned by NeonWabbit, originally created by an artist using the alias SilveroGhost. NeonWabbit purchased the species from them in September 2022 for $60 USD.

The first mink-mink harpy character created by NeonWabbit prior to owning the species was Frie through a contest to create fanart of the mink-mink harpy character Koit, where the major prize was the allowance for contest winners to design their own mink-mink harpies. Though many others were created by the species' original creator, and other individuals who won the contest, most of them have been lost to time, and currently only Frie and others created by NeonWabbit after his purchase of the species are considered canon to Studio RGB-Newt / The Fishal Project productions and universes.

The species is considered semi-closed as fan-made mink-mink harpies are mostly allowed to be created for non-canon fanart purposes if not changing or adding to the lore and design restrictions. Hybrids are also allowed, and this paves the way for Frie's future children with the wingless dragon Flye, spawning the mink-mink dragon sub-species.



Ownership change




Body and tail

Much like other harpies, mink-mink harpies have a bipedal humanoid build, however, instead of having an avian lower-half, it is more feline, and with a long, thick prehensile tail. On females, this tail has sharp spike protrusions, made of bone and coated with hardened keratin. They can use these spikes to defend themselves against unwanted males, egg thieves, and other evil creatures. Females are also taller than the males of the species, but are themselves still a bit short compared to other species of similar build, such as dragons.

Arms, hands, and wings

Every mink-mink harpy has two sets of wing arms, one larger set, with hands where they are usually expected on humanoid arms, and one smaller set. For the smaller set of wing arms, males have dorsal wings on their tail, without any hands. Females have their smaller set, with hands, on the sides of their body, underneath their larger set of wing arms. Their forearms are especially adapted for flight, being incredibly strong, and they have dense muscle with hollow bones. Thick, bendable, and waterproof feathers cover the entirety of the lower length of the arms, up to the shoulder blades. All feathers can be reabsorbed by magic into the arms, effectively hiding them completely, at the cost of being able to fly. The feathers can be re-summoned out instantly, by expending lifeforce energy.

Mink-mink harpies have only two fingers and an opposable thumb on each hand, and these are tipped with retractable claws. Their ring and pinky finger bones are fused with the outer veins of the primary feather of their wings, providing increased durability, and it aids them with control in flight, which is especially useful within the dense forest canopies they usually inhabit. The lower arms and hands of a female mink-mink harpy can be used for carrying items and/or other people around whilst flying, or for aiding in activities such as climbing.

Ears and antennae

The antennae on the tip of their ears enhance certain senses, like detecting exactly what direction certain sounds and sonic frequencies are coming from, measuring wind speed, and other weather-related functions.

Location preference

Mink-mink harpies prefer tropical climates and rainforests, and mink-mink harpies native to these areas face extinction due to increased deforestation

Toxins and immunity

Immune to toxins found in plants and bugs they consume, as their bodies can naturally store these toxins in a sac below their gallbladder, and lifeforce in this sac can break the toxins down to non-lethal levels which will cause no damage to the mink-mink harpy before it re-circulates through their veins. However, the toxins still cause their raw meat and blood to be poisonous, but it is theorized that the poison can further be dissolved away completely by properly cooking the meat before consumption.

Mating habits

Mink-mink harpies are physically compatible with every species, and those that mate with members of a different species produce hybrids that mix elements from both parent species. The hybrid offspring that result from this are also fertile and compatible with every species, leading to further hybridization if the species continue to mix.

Fur and feather patterns

Mink-mink harpy fur and feather patterns have been observed to resemble those of any avian, feline, or primate (such as lemurs), regardless of their birth location. They are capable of having rare genetic mutations, such as being born with even more wings or more tails, black sclera eyes, and/or be born "feral", meaning no humanoid skin is visible, with fur and feathers covering up the entirety of their human-like parts instead. With enough lifeforce energy, mink-mink harpies who weren't born feral can switch between feral and humanoid forms.



A native mink-mink harpy's diet consists of fruits, plant nectars, nuts, seeds, insects, and insect byproducts, such as honey. A mink-mink harpy in more civilized areas might actively seek out normal human food, such as meats, and prepared meals like sushi, but it is recommended by the elders of mink-mink harpy clans that they should eat some of their native diet on occasion, for a healthy balance of sugars and nutrients.

In the past, mink-mink harpies themselves were poached, as they used to be killed for their feathers, meat, and eggs.

Social life and family

They are highly sociable creatures, and tend to flock together with others that share their animal-kind, be it avian, feline or primate. They also get along well with reptiles, including dragons, as they are similar to avians, both having claws, and the ability to lay eggs, for example.

Native mink-mink harpy villages and clans are usually lead by the eldest flock, that is, the flock which has the highest number total when all ages of the members are added together, and this can include other species who have decided to join and have been accepted into the flock. They are not jealous or experience other negative emotions when flock members defect to another flock, and for mating purposes, this is usually encouraged, as members of a flock are expected to mate with those of a different flock.

The native mink-mink harpy courtship ritual involves the male building and decorating a suitable nest bed for the process, and putting on a showcase of their feathers, fur, and physical abilities in unique song and dance. The female watches from a distance, and if they remain for the entire duration of the display, they are presented with a gift, ranging from shiny and colourful objects to food.

The couple then begin to get to know each other over a period of months, mutually taking turns defending the territory, preening each other, and keeping watch at night. Eventually, they will each pluck their most pristine feather out of their own body and trade it with their partner, braiding their swapped feathers into each other, signifying they are fully bonded. Mink-mink harpies mate for life, perform yearly anniversary rituals, and do not take on a new mate after the death of their mate.

Infertile mink-mink harpies, or those looking to adopt, will accept orphaned chicks or runts from any flock that has them. Mink-mink harpies can lay between 1-5 eggs per season, and both the male and female will take turns to incubate and raise the young, once hatched.

It is extremely rare for mink-mink harpies to ever be alone as they make friends easily, due to their curious nature, and they don't have any natural predators or enemies as they are poisonous and can defend themselves with their sharp spikes and claws. They live peacefully and solve disputes by bringing their issues up with the elders of the eldest flock.


Native mink-mink harpy language consists of short chirps, chitters, purrs, coos, and loud screeches of varying lengths, all combined with body language and eye contact. They are also known for their mimicry, as they can easily and accurately repeat sounds from other creatures and objects that they hear, and over a long period of time can learn spoken language. Still, even after getting to the point where they can somewhat communicate with other parties, it takes even longer for them to get out of the habit of bad pronunciation, broken grammar, and messy speech patterns if they were not born in a place where spoken language is the norm.

In-universe biography

Mink-mink harpies used to be hunted by regular humans before an international act was signed into law preventing this from happening any further. They are still critically endangered to the point that it is estimated that there is currently only approx. 1 to 3 mink-mink harpies in each continent of the world, with an outlier exception of entire villages and clans of mink-mink harpies of varying population that populate their own native tropical island, Minkhar.

It became rare for them to leave the island, as early mink-mink harpy explorers, like Frie's ancestors, who moved off the island and closer to advanced civilization sometime in the past, were never heard from again back on the island by those who saw them off.

Notable mink-mink harpies





See also



External links