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NeonWabbit character
Ink curled up in the shape of the letter U due to his long length.
Ink, as depicted by The-F0X in 2014
Created byThe-F0X
March 19, 2014; 10 years ago (2014-03-19)
In-universe information
SpeciesAlien galaxy lifeforce
Giant horned mink (physically)
OccupationGeneral Manager
Significant otherBiscuit
Colour palette
by Hex
  •   claws
  •   pawpads
  •   pupil
  •   lower legs
  •   nose
  •   fur
  •   cheek fur tufts
  •   blue star glow
  •   iris
  •   whisker spots
  •   green star glow
  •   purple star glow
  •   ribbons
  •   bells
  •   sclera
  •   red star glow
  •   yellow star glow
  •   face
  •   horns
Hex codes #010202   #0c0c0d   #171c09   #18171c   #181b2b   #313f65   #6691ea   #94e3f1   #95ba37   #989898   #a5f194   #ab94f1   #c30203   #ce9530   #cee39a   #f19494   #f1ec94   #f5f5f5   #fefefd 

Ink is an alien galaxy lifeforce character in the physical body of an Earth mink, owned by NeonWabbit and created and designed by The-F0X, originally as a mink pelt doll. The doll and its associated character design were both purchased by NeonWabbit in 2019 for $50.

Ink is one of the flagship Studio RGB-Newt / The Fishal Project mascot characters, and in-canon, is depicted as a being who is made of pure celestial stardust lifeforce energy. The manifestation that is Ink originated in a dying galaxy that was collapsing upon itself. The space gas resulting from this event became a sentient form of lifeforce energy and, in its search for a physical host, traveled to the nearest planet, Alternate Earth F, where it merged with the first suitable body it encountered-- a curious, brown-furred male mink.

During the merging process, most of the Earth mink’s brain cells were destroyed due to the power surge brought on by introducing too much lifeforce into a body at once. Because of this mass amount of energy, the process also caused the mink’s body to transform and grow to accomodate it, with the head becoming roughly the size of a standard fox’s (the rest of the body following suit, proportionally), horns sprouting from the skull, and its brown fur replaced by cosmic strands of dark blue, starry energy (with the head area also shedding fur, then growing back fully matte white). This change allowed Ink’s lifeforce to stabilize and prevent his total demise.

Though remnants of the Earth mink’s original instincts occasionally surface in moments of feral, animalistic excitement, the lifeforce energy that composes Ink has primarily retained full control of the body since the fusion, technically making Ink an alien parasite. In most canons, immediately after his arrival on Earth and fusion wih the mink, Ink is discovered by Biscuit, a fox scientist who finds him smoldering in a crater near her cabin in the woods. Biscuit, who would later become his significant other, taught Ink mostly everything he knows. Some years later, Ink is then usually found dressing smart, and working in positions of upper management, becoming fast friends with people working under him, like Flye.

Concept and creation

Behind the scenes of the making of Ink's mink pelt doll
A look at the process of making Ink's mink pelt doll
Ink's mink pelt doll faded back to its original brown fur colour
Ink's mink pelt doll, as of 2018; the dark blue dye has faded out of the fur with time

Fictional history

Flye 'n' Frie franchise canon

General information




Feral form

Artwork by others

Anthro form

Artwork by others

Humanoid form

Artwork by others

Non-canon / miscellaneous

These images are not for use as reference, maybe due to having certain features which are incorrect. They are still provided here for historical purposes.





External links