Main Page
Flye 'n' Frie: Historic N Series (Homebrew for Nintendo home consoles)
Flye 'n' Frie: Handheld N Series (Homebrew for Nintendo handhelds)
Flye 'n' Frie: Retro Remains Series (Homebrew for other retro platforms)
Other projects
• Combat Practice 2
Video game (fighting)
Video game (fighting)
• Flye 'n' Frie: Classic Collection
Video game compilation
Video game compilation
• Nyah Has an Adventure
Animated series (drama/sitcom)
Animated series (drama/sitcom)
• The Aussie Goldmine
Webcomic (modern science-fantasy dramedy)
Webcomic (modern science-fantasy dramedy)
• The Thirst Tides
Studio album (multiple genres)
Studio album (multiple genres)
• Tilt, Talk, 'n' Tap
Mobile game, Android (action/party)
Mobile game, Android (action/party)
• Production Code matrix, a list of our projects, sortable by production code.
• Surfman in the "NO" Race, a stick figure comic from 2004 (our first ever production), and its upcoming "20th Anniversary" animated remake.
Characters and species
• Category:Characters, a list of our characters.
• Frosteyls, Gravepines, and Styvers - generic fauna creatures found in some of our fictional universes, who usually become minions for bad guys.
• Mink-mink harpies, a semi-closed species we own. One of our flagship characters, Frie, is one of these.
Concepts and locations
• Lifeforce, a page on the metaphysical substance and energy source that provides vitality to most characters in some of our fictional universes.
People and groups
• Neon and the Argie Bees, our in-house virtual band, who make the soundtracks to our productions and other original albums.
• NeonWabbit, the founder of Studio RGB-Newt / The Fishal Project.
• The-F0X, an Australian artist and friend who has designed some of NeonWabbit's main characters.