Nyah Has an Abridged Series
Nyah Has an Abridged Series is an animated parody series, produced by Studio RGB-Newt and distributed by The Fishal Project, with each episode being loosely based on the plot of episodes from the series Nyah Has an Adventure, but with their own original story, and more heavily adult-oriented jokes than what is found in the main series. Following the conclusion of both the main series and this abridged series, production on the feature-length Nyah Has a Movie will begin, serving as the main series' conclusion, with a short film based on the movie serving as a conclusion to this abridged series.
Nyah Has an Abridged Series | |
File:Logo NyahHasAnAbridgedSeries.png | |
Also known as |
Genre |
Created by | Darien Brice Dickinson |
Based on | Nyah Has an Adventure by Studio RGB-Newt |
Developed by | Darien Brice Dickinson |
Written by | Darien Brice Dickinson |
Directed by | Darien Brice Dickinson |
Creative director | Darien Brice Dickinson |
Theme music composer | Darien Brice Dickinson |
Composer | Darien Brice Dickinson |
Country of origin | Australia |
Original language | English |
No. of series | 1 |
No. of episodes | 52 (list of episodes) |
Production | |
Executive producers |
Cinematography | Darien Brice Dickinson |
Animator | Darien Brice Dickinson |
Editor | Darien Brice Dickinson |
Running time | 11 minutes |
Production company | Studio RGB-Newt / The Fishal Project |
Release | |
Picture format | 1080p HDTV, Widescreen (16:9) |
Audio format | Stereophonic |
Chronology | |
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