Production Code matrix

From WikipediNyah
Revision as of 16:18, 9 April 2023 by NeonWabbit (talk | contribs)

This page lists Studio RGB-Newt / The Fishal Project production codes, working titles, and the final name of the project associated with the former codes and codenames.

It uses the new production code format (NW-TYPAAAXX) introduced in 2023 (that retroactively applies to all prior Studio RGB-Newt / The Fishal Project projects, should they need to be referenced again), that is explained by the following:

  • NW: the legacy NeonWabbit Productions prefix
  • T: the type of production (A for Art and short-form animations, M for feature-length Movies and films, G for video Games, and S for Sound and music)
  • YP: the last two digits of the Year the project first went into Production
  • AAA: three initials associated with the project, for example Nyah Has an Adventure's NHA
  • XX: a number that starts at 00 and increments with each individual created project that shares the same category (i.e. having every letter and number preceding this segment of the code be the same), which is not necessarily the order they are set to release, but the order the project files for them were created; e.g. the first and second episode of a series may use 01 and 03 respectively, if the second episode's project files were created after the episode that already uses the numbers 02

Additionally, an underscore followed by a string of lowercase letters and numbers may be appended onto the end of the production code to signify updated re-releases featuring small incremental changes that don't require a new production code to be assigned.

New format

Production Code Codenames Title
NW-A18NHA00 Project Nyah, Codename Tadpole Cat Nyah Has an Adventure (animated series)
NW-A18NHA01 "Nyah Pilot Episode, 1st version" Enter: Nyah ("Nyah Has an Adventure" S01E01)