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== Plot ==
== Plot ==
In a rainforest at night, a young girl named Samantha sits on a metal bridge with her backpack, wiping away tears. She takes out a sealed container filled with a purple gelatinous liquid and eggs. In a flashback, Samantha receives the container from a silhouetted stranger at her father's gravesite, who tells her to protect it at all costs. In another scene, Samantha's mother, Miss Farewell, inspects the container and realizes the significance of the eggs. She tries to take the container to destroy it at her late husband's military base, but Samantha refuses to let her and runs off with the container.
Miss Farewell, who is in a wheelchair, struggles to catch up with Samantha as she runs off with the container. Back at the rainforest bridge, Samantha opens the container and releases its contents into the water below. A blinding light appears behind her, causing her to fall into the rapids. Years later, Nyah, an aquabirb creature, fishes for food beneath the same bridge. As she sits down to eat her catch, an arrow suddenly pierces her head, causing her to scream in pain. A camper hears her scream and approaches Nyah, shocked at the sight before them.
A group of campers gather around Nyah, with one of them recording her on their smartphone. Suddenly, a junior special agent dog creature, Arph, and a human military officer arrive at the scene. The military officer warns the campers about the potential dangers of touching Nyah, mentioning the possibility of her being a parasite. To determine Nyah's species, the officer pulls out a DNA scanning device, reminding the campers that associating with parasites is illegal and punishable by death.
The military officer informs the crowd that if Nyah is a legal creature, everyone will be free to go. The officer then tries to use the DNA scanning device on Nyah, but she panics and knocks it into the river rapids. Arph suggests that such actions should be punishable by death, but the officer decides to make their lives easier by reporting to their superiors that Nyah is a legal creature, dismissing the crowd.
Years later, in a waiting room at a government facility, Nyah sits across from Lone, who notices a missing person poster of Samantha Farewell. Lone suggests that Nyah might be the missing girl, causing Nyah to become defensive and threaten him. The tension is broken by a buzzer sounding.
Nyah and Lone are announced as the day's graduates and are directed to the job center. Nyah carries Lone, who is still stunned from their confrontation. At the job center, Lone acts as Nyah's interpreter since she can't speak human. The employer is initially confused about their purpose for being there, but then questions how Nyah will manage a job without hands.
Lone tries to prove that he is capable of working despite not having hands, but the employer dismisses his efforts. The employer informs Nyah that she has been assigned to be the owner and chef of an abandoned sushi restaurant nearby. Lone, desperate for a job, insists that he is qualified and has a degree. The employer suggests that Lone simply remain as Nyah's interpreter and sends them on their way.
As the employer accidentally injures his only hand, blood flows from under the shutter and the lights flicker. Lone, frustrated with the lack of a proper job, leaves with Nyah. They arrive at the sushi restaurant where they meet Arph, who is now an errand boy after being demoted. He hands them the keys to the restaurant.
Nyah and Lone have a conversation with Arph, who mentions that he got demoted partly because of Nyah breaking expensive equipment. They discuss Skye, who has been missing for years, and Lone brings up Arph's catchphrase "Ignorance is bliss."
Arph shows Nyah, Lone, and himself around the sushi restaurant, the dining area, and a barren penthouse with only a single couch.
Arph offers to let Nyah and Lone stay at his place, which has a guest room with a king-sized bed. Lone reassures Nyah they can trust him since he works for the government.
Nyah pretends to sleep on the couch, but it breaks, and they decide to have a sleepover at Arph's place.
At Arph's house, they see Mira and Fret, the goat creature twins, packing up musical equipment into a moving van. Mira explains that Fret wants to move in with his girlfriend Bele and their daughter Beth.
Arph questions Mira about the banging noises he's heard at their house, and she covers it up, saying they were practicing their drum kits. However, Arph points out that Bele is the only drummer in their band, leaving Mira in an awkward position.
Fret tries to clarify that he and Mira are not in an inappropriate relationship, but Lone points out that they are siblings.
Fret awkwardly backs away and gets into the van, which drives off, accidentally dropping drums from the back.
Inside Arph's house, Lone wonders if he could get a job in the media industry by revealing the secret about Mira and Fret.
Arph advises against making enemies by revealing secrets, and they agree that it's not okay to talk about people behind their backs.
Lone notices that Arph's video games are missing, and Arph realizes Mira and Fret borrowed them and probably won't return them.
The next morning, Lone wakes up in the guestroom to find Nyah's arms wrapped around him, prompting him to ask her to move.
Nyah wakes up and hugs Lone tighter, much to his discomfort.
At breakfast, Arph learns about the difficulties at the job centre and mentions a new person being hired.
A car arrives next door, indicating a new neighbor. They go outside to greet the neighbor, and Arph is shocked by their identity.
Skye, a cat creature with cyborg enhancements, is revealed to be the new neighbor.
Arph questions Skye about her years-long disappearance and her lack of communication.
Skye asks if they can just pretend she was never missing. Lone agrees, but Arph is left feeling frustrated.
Skye recognizes Lone and meets Nyah, initially claiming that Nyah's use of the word "nya" is offensive.
Skye reveals she was just joking and that there are no forbidden words.
Skye joins Lone, Nyah, and Arph in the dining room, filling an empty chair.
Skye questions Nyah's origins, noting that her features don't match any recognizable animal ancestors.
Nyah gets agitated by Skye's questions, and Lone tries to defuse the situation by distracting Nyah with a fish.
Nyah returns to her bubbly self after eating the fish, and Lone and Arph sigh in relief.
Arph suggests that they all go to the library to support Lone while he sorts out his employment issue.
At the library, Nyah gets distracted and goes to the DVD section where Miss Farewell is browsing.
Skye and Arph express their intent to research Nyah's species, while Lone is still apprehensive about doing so, considering Nyah's reaction to the topic.
Nyah and Miss Farewell have a conversation in the library's DVD section.
Miss Farewell apologizes for shooting Nyah with an arrow three years ago and explains she was blinded by rage while searching for her daughter Samantha.
Miss Farewell shows Nyah the broken DNA scanning device that Nyah had destroyed earlier. Nyah aggressively takes the device and Miss Farewell leaves her be.
Miss Farewell gives Nyah a broken military device and leaves the library. Lone sees the device and decides to bring it to Arph and Skye, thinking it might be useful. In the private research room, Arph recognizes the device as a one-of-a-kind ancestry device that identifies the species of whoever it's pointed at. Skye decides to fix the device, while Arph and Lone search for relevant books to help with their investigation.
While Lone and Arph search for books, Skye uses her metallic tentacles to help fix the ancestry device. Lone inquires about Skye's augmentations, and she explains that she needed them after surviving a fire on her family's farm. Skye was taken to a European hospital, where she was given experimental cyborg parts to replace the burn damage. The tentacles were a recent addition during her latest trip to Europe. As Skye continues talking about the fire, the scene transitions to the next part of the story.

== Cast ==
== Cast ==